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Effective Date: 10 April, 2024

As a responsible entity committed to upholding the privacy and integrity of our clientele, Qabas, operating within the jurisdiction of Libyan law, employs cookies on its website to enhance user interaction and facilitate a seamless digital experience. It is fundamental to acknowledge that cookies, by their nature, are benign text files exchanged between a web browser and the website you visit, incapable of executing programs or accessing data beyond the browser’s scope.

      Types of Cookies Utilized:
(i) Session Cookies: These transient cookies are pivotal during your web session, residing temporarily on your device and being automatically purged upon the closure of your browser. Their function is primarily to maintain an anonymous session ID, thus negating the necessity for logging in to each webpage anew. Importantly, they do not harvest any data from your device.

(ii) Persistent Cookies: In contrast to session cookies, persistent cookies are ingrained as files on your device, enduring beyond the closure of the web browser. This permanence allows the originating website to recognize your device upon subsequent visits, thereby facilitating a continuity of experience.

(iii) First-party Cookies: Specifically designed to retain your individual preferences for our website, these cookies are dispatched and retrieved directly by Qabas’s servers. Their utility is confined to personalization settings initiated by you, and they may encompass both session and persistent cookies, depending on the necessity.

(iv) Third-party Cookies: These cookies are designated for capturing your interactions with services provided by entities external to Qabas. Managed between the third-party’s servers and your device, these cookies are predominantly persistent by nature to ensure continuity across services.

It is pertinent to underscore that, except for essential web beacons and specific analytics services, Qabas refrains from the utilization of third-party cookies, thereby minimizing external data interactions. Notably, our site engages Google Analytics, a comprehensive web analytics service offered by Google, Inc., to derive insights into website utilization patterns. This tool employs cookies to aggregate anonymous user data, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, facilitating an evaluative framework for website activity and usage trends. The data generated is processed by Google, adhering to strict privacy guidelines.

In the spirit of transparency and in compliance with Libyan regulatory requirements, Qabas is dedicated to informing our users about their rights and controls regarding cookie usage. For those seeking to manage or understand cookies more intricately, resources such as offer extensive guidance.

      Cookie Usage Objectives:
Essential Operations: Certain cookies are indispensable for the functional operation of our website, enabling basic navigation and access to secure features. Their absence might compromise service delivery and functionality.

Performance Assessment: To continuously refine our website’s performance, we deploy cookies that anonymously gauge user engagement and site interaction, aiding in the optimization process.

Functional Enhancement: By remembering user preferences and settings, functionality cookies personalize the browsing experience, contributing to a more intuitive and user-centric website environment.

Qabas invites and encourages our users to acquaint themselves with our cookie practices and to exercise their preference management through their web browser settings. Additionally, for more comprehensive insights into our data practices or to exercise data protection rights in alignment with Libyan law, users are urged to engage with us directly via the contact form available on our website. This method ensures the most secure and efficient communication channel, reflecting our commitment to user privacy and legal compliance within the Libyan context.

      Web Beacons and IP Addresses:
Employing web beacons in conjunction with cookies, Qabas aims to aggregate valuable insights into website and email interaction, enhancing our communication strategies and service offerings. Furthermore, the collection of IP addresses serves as a non-intrusive method to gather demographic information, facilitating tailored content delivery and service improvement in adherence to the Libyan legal landscape.